Youth Worker Well-Being Project Managing Committee
The Youth Worker Well-Being Project is a collaboration between Indiana Afterschool Network (IAN), IARCA Institute for Excellence (IARCA), Indiana Youth Services Association (IYSA), Indiana Youth Institute (IYI), and Marion County Commission on Youth (MCCOY). Funding for the Indiana Youth Worker Well-Being Project is made possible through a $20 million Lilly Endowment Inc. grant to Indiana Youth Institute.

The Indiana Afterschool Network is a state-wide intermediary committed to providing the support and resources that out-of-school time (OST) programs need to create better outcomes for kids.
Learn more at indianaafterschool.org.

The IARCA Institute for Excellence was established in 1999 to promote continual training and development for agencies and their staff who are advocating and providing services to children and families.
Learn more at IARCA.org.

Indiana Youth Institute is a partner and ally to those who serve our state’s youth. We educate, equip, and engage others to collectively meet the needs of every Indiana child.
Visit IYI.org for more information.

Indiana Youth Services Association’s (IYSA) primary role is as a statewide association of Youth Service Bureaus (YSBs) across Indiana. IYSA also operates several programs that support youth, youth workers, and other non-profit agencies. IYSA membership is comprised of Youth Service Bureaus that deliver community based juvenile delinquency and family support programming.
Learn more at indysb.org.