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Hunger and Food Insecurity

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Data & Research
2019 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2020 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2022 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
Families Receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a program that helps people and families with low incomes buy the nutritious foods they need for good health. Eligibility is set by federal guidelines and is determined using three tests to evaluate a household’s gross monthly income, net income, and assets. Once verified as eligible, a household’s benefits are then determined using the number of persons living in the household.

Years included: 2012-2017, 2018-2022

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ACS 5-Year Estimates S2201

Food Environment Index Data Set

Measure of the food environment accounts for both proximity to healthy foods and income. Access to healthy foods, locations for health food purchases, and the lack of access to healthy food due to cost barriers are included. Years included: 2020 | Source: County Health Rankings

Annual Food Budget Shortfall Data Set

The annual food budget shortfall is calculated by taking the average of the total annualized additional dollar amount that food-insecure populations report needing to cover just enough food to meet their needs. Years included: 2020, 2021 | Source: Feeding America, Map the Meal Gap

Child Food Insecurity Data Set

Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent or dependable access to enough food or a disruption in routine nutrition so that every person in a household can live an active and healthy lifestyle. Food insecurity can be caused by long-term circumstances such as lack of income and resources or by external and sudden financial changes. Hunger is a feeling when an individual does not have food, whereas chronic hunger is a direct result of food insecurity and is a state of long-term undernourishment. Years included: 2020, 2021 | Source: Feeding America

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