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Mental Health

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Data & Research
2019 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2020 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2022 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
Mental Health Provider Ratio Data Set

Mental health services are any interventions—assessment, diagnosis, treatment, or counseling—offered in private, public, inpatient, or outpatient settings for the maintenance or enhancement of mental health or the treatment of mental or behavioral disorders in individual and group contexts. Mental health provider ratios are for total population, adults and children. Years included: 2022 | Source: County Health Rankings

DATA SPOTLIGHT: Prevalence of Mental Health Issues Among Indiana Youth

Indiana Youth Institute Data Brief

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in the Child Welfare System

Indiana Youth Institute Data Brief

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth Mental and Physical Health

Indiana Youth Institute Data Brief

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Schools

Indiana Youth Institute Data Brief

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Teen Suicide
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