Grant Opportunities

Update on Youth Worker Well-Being Project Program


The Indiana Youth Worker Well-Being Project is designed to support the well-being of Hoosiers who work with youth so that they can increase positive outcomes for our youth. Indiana is ranked 27th for child well-being, with children struggling with issues ranging from feelings of sadness and hopelessness to food insecurity, and homelessness. The Youth Worker Well-Being Project provides well-being resources to Indiana youth workers and youth-serving organizations, including telemedicine and virtual mental health services and Peer Support Groups, grants, and professional development opportunities.

Like many organizations across Indiana doing crucial work to invest in Hoosier youth, the Youth Worker Well-Being Project is focused on understanding and following changes happening at the state and federal levels. As a result, the Youth Worker Well-Being Project is pausing applications for the Emerging Leaders of Color Fellowship and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging grants to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines. It is our obligation to confirm these programs will not impact other government funding sources secured by youth-serving organizations. Their work remains essential in creating an environment where Hoosier youth can thrive. The Youth Worker Well-Being Project will continue offering all other programming; applications for trauma-informed workplace grants will remain open through the March 7, 2025, deadline.

About Youth Worker Well-Being Project Grants


Youth-serving organizations located in Indiana may be eligible to apply for funding to pilot and/or implement customized strategies that improve:

  • Trauma-informed workplaces within organizations 

The vision of these grant opportunities is for organizations at various stages in their journey to identify potential gaps and needs in the outlined categories, determine growth opportunities, identify a partner or resources (if needed), and then apply for funding to reach those next steps toward improvement. Organizations should demonstrate a plan to grow in at least one category.

Grant Details

Grant Timeline


Grant Applications Open

February 3, 2025 

Applications Due 

March 7, 2025 

Initial Award Notifications 

By April 25, 2025 

Funding Distribution  

By June 30, 2025

Grant Implementation  

July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026

Funding Amounts

Organizations may apply once per year for the following:

  • Up to $10,000 for trauma-informed workplaces within organizations

To be eligible for funding under the Youth Worker Well-Being Project, an organization must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be an established youth-serving organization, located in Indiana that currently provides programs directly for Indiana youth (ages five through 18).
  2. Be a public charity described in Internal Revenue Code (Code) sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1), (2) or (3) (other than Type III supporting organizations described in clause (i) or (ii) of Code section 4942(g)(4)(A)).
  3. Offer programs that serve youth ages five to 18 or, if offering programs for individuals in other age groups, demonstrate that at least 75% of its services are youth and family-related.
  4. Must not have been awarded a Youth Worker Well-Being Project grant in the same funding area in the previous grant round (funding areas are Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging OR Trauma-Informed Workplaces).

Collective applications for organizations through alliances or associations will be accepted.

Organizations with questions about their eligibility for participation in grants may contact Indiana Youth Institute staff with questions at

The following organizations are ineligible for funding, regardless of whether they meet the above criteria:

  • K-12 schools
  • school foundations
  • higher education institutions
  • youth sports leagues
  • government agencies
Grant Resources

Click here to learn more about partners and resources to support organizations in applying for grant funding through the Youth Worker Well-Being Project.

Watch previously recorded Grant Webinars for technical assistance.


(Please note: dates and eligibility have been updated. Refer to the Grant Request for Application PDF for the most recent and complete details on due dates, organization requirements, and eligibility.)

Seeking Project Partners 


Indiana Youth Institute is seeking qualified and experienced trainers and consultants in trauma-informed workplaces to work alongside IYI staff and/or organizations participating in Youth Worker Well-Being Project services, benefits, and opportunities. We are looking for knowledgeable partners with combined experience in nonprofit, youth work, and content areas.  Partners will potentially support agencies that receive dollars through Youth Worker Well-Being grant opportunities.

Questions regarding the Project Partner opportunity may be emailed to Becky Reich, Director of Quality with the Youth Worker Well-Being Project.

Interested in Becoming a Youth Worker Well-Being Project Partner?

To be considered for this opportunity, potential partners should click the COMPLETE FORM button below to fill out a short Partner Interest Form outlining services and relevant experience.

*Note: This approval is for Youth Worker Well-Being projects only and is separate from being an approved IYI Consultant.

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