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Collective Impact Training & Consulting, LLC
Workplace Program; Organizational Knowledge

Contact: Robin Donaldson

Primary Services: Workplace Program; Organizational Knowledge

Collective Impact Training and Consulting CEO Dr. Robin Donaldson has more than 30 years’ experience in youth services and is dedicated to helping youth organizations and youth workers reach their maximum potential to better serve youth. Dr. Donaldson is a federally trained trauma-informed care specialist, has a graduate certification in applied neuroscience, and a doctorate in Industrial-Organizational psychology. She has been teaching and training for more than 20 years.

Collective Impact Training and Consulting leverages Dr. Donaldson’s experience and knowledge to build and strengthen the capacity of those who work with youth and families. A multitude of training topics relevant to creating and sustaining a trauma-informed workplace are available. Dr. Donaldson’s training style is engaging and interactive, always with the specific goal of leaving participants with practical knowledge and skills that can be immediately implemented.

Collective Impact Training and Consulting also offers assessment and consulting services. Dr. Donaldson has been providing specific trauma-informed workplace assessment, training, and consulting for six years in the youth service field and has been doing program development for more than 25 years. Trauma-informed workplaces are healthier and more effective for all involved. Collective Impact Training and Consulting can help organizations reach this goal. Learn more at collectiveimpacttc.com