Older Youth Initiatives
In 2019, the upper age limits for the Older Youth Initiatives (OYI) programs were extended. Older Youth Services and Collaborative Care are now available until a youth turns 21; Voluntary Older Youth Services are now available until a youth turns 23.
The OYI program encompasses Older Youth Services (OYS), Collaborative Care and Voluntary Services. OYS were formerly known as the Chafee Independent Living Services. OYS and Collaborative Care are sets of services and supports used in order to assist older youth successfully achieve their case plan goal. OYS and Collaborative Care are primarily focused on helping those youth who are expected to turn 18 in foster care, but the programs can be implemented concurrently with other goals like reunification and adoption. Voluntary Services are a set of services for youth who have “aged out” of the foster care system. These services are geared to assisting former foster youth in the areas of housing, employment and education.
Source: Indiana Department of Child Services (2024). Older Youth Initiatives.