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Organizational Wellness Implementation Guide: A “how-to” guide for organizations interested in beginning their wellness journey. 

Wellness is a critical component to the vitality of our communities. Though, at times, society can focus on the need for increased individual wellness, the health of our professionalized spaces plays a significant role in the overall health of our communities. Engaging in wellness initiatives can not only combat the physical and emotional impacts on employees, but can also set organizations up for increased mission-moments, revenue, and connection to those they serve.

This implementation guide was created as a tool for leaders interested in increasing their organization’s wellness efforts. Rooted in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)’s Eight Dimensions of Wellness, and based on data and evaluation outcomes from Indiana Youth Services Association Youth Worker Well-Being Pilot Project, this guide leads the user through a step-by-step process to implement a Eight Dimensions of Wellness project year – complete with example materials, dimension resources, and tips. This guide can be utilized by any type of organization structure and/or service focus area. Through a wellness project year can (and likely will) have impact on an individual’s wellness, the guide aims to help leaders prioritize the impact on their organization’s wellness efforts.