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College and Career Readiness

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How are median wages impacted by education level?

According to the 2022 Indiana Readiness Report, the median wages by education levels in the United States are:

  • Less than a high school diploma: $30,950
  • High school diploma: $39,050
  • Some college or Associates degree: $44,850
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher: $72,000


Source: Commission for Higher Education

Economists estimate that in 2031, the nation will have 171 million jobs.

However, only 30% of them will be open to workers without college degrees.


Source: Lytle, 2022

2022 High School Graduation and Drop Out Rates

The number of high school students graduating on time in 2022 was 86.6% compared to 88.1% in 2018. The 2022 dropout rate was 7.5%, compared to 5.2% in 2018.

Source: Indiana Department of Education
Data & Research
2019 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2020 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
2022 Indiana KIDS COUNT® Data Book
College Remediation

Remedial education is an educational pathway designed to bring up a student’s academic competencies to match those of their peers. Most institutions have differing versions of what remediation looks like and varying determinations for who qualifies for remediation, but generally, remedial education consists of noncredit courses in reading, writing, and math, that the student should have learned in high school.

Years included: 2021

Source: Indiana Commission for Higher Education

College Enrollment Data Set

College enrollment, also called the college-going rate, is the number of students registered to attend a college or university in Indiana. Enrollment is generally calculated as a snapshot in time, usually in the fall, but can also be determined using the percentage of high school graduates in a given year who are registered to attend a postsecondary program. College enrollment can be measured by degree type, demographics, full-time enrollment vs part-time enrollment, and institution type. Years included: 2021 cohort | Source: Indiana Commission for Higher Education

All IN for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math

Indiana Youth Institute Issue Brief

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College & Career Video Series
Navigating Better FAFSA
College & Career Video Series
Planning for College
College & Career Video Series
Growing K–8 College and Career Readiness
College & Career Video Series
Indiana Careers on the Rise